Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Eh heh heh heh...

Lines for the game were finished and sent off. Apparently the production guys liked what they heard, so now I just sit and wait to see if there's anything that needs to be picked up. If not, hopefully I can officially talk about it in a month or so. :)

Recording for a couple other projects this week, including something that sort of indirectly supports Haiti relief. Which makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. XD

Also, assuming time schedules all line up, I should be starting lessons with my awesome and SUPER SECRET voice coach/teacher next Wednesday. More on how that goes later in the week when I know for sure. And don't ask who it is. All I'll say is he's been doing this stuff for 20 years, and is quite possibly one of the most popular video game and Anime voice actors in the industry, so I feel truly blessed that he would agree to train me up. ^_^

Also also, stuff in the works for a radio show with the school involving voice acting and voice over in general. I have a few guest interviews planned out, so hopefully the radio station will give it the okay, and all will be well. :)

Hope everyone out there is having a safe and enjoyable Winter! If you were caught in the rain/snow that seems to be plaguing half the country right now, do your best to stay warm and dry!

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