Friday, May 14, 2010


So, yeah. Hi guys.

Sorry I've been so behind on this. School has picked up, family stuff happened, and big things have happened.

So let's talk about the big stuff. I was asked to go to a read through at Fox Studios 2 weeks ago. It was for a new show idea that I can't say much about, but it was quite the experience. Don't know if I've been accepted into the production yet or not, but I eagerly await to hear back from the director. It's an interesting story, though. I met Cristina Vee through a mutual friend. Then, I she introduced me to a few other VO people (whom I know have the pleasure of calling friends), who introduced me to more, who passed my contact information to the director who sent me a Facebook message. So whoever came up with the idea of "6 Degrees of Separation" wasn't lying; I've experienced it first hand.

Most of my time lately has been spent working on a radio play that I had to turn in for my final for Intro to Audio Production. As of now, I never want to touch Pro Tools again. I have a great respect for the engineers now, which is exactly why I took this class. Needless to say, the final product will be up online later on, so check my Facebook for more info on that.

I've been actively looking for more auditions, and have submitted a few things, but nothing has come back yet. It's definitely time to update my demo reel. That is what I'll be focusing on over the Summer. In the meantime, if anyone sees something coming up, it would be awesome if you'd either pass on word to me, or mention me. Without an agent, I'm finding it hard to find stuff. But I'm not giving up any time soon. :)

Hearing Voices has officially ended for this semester. If you missed any episodes, head to to check them out. We return next semester with more awesome guests and a possible co-host! And keep an eye out for the upcoming Youtube and Facebook pages. :)

Other than that, I hope you're all doing well! I'm going to try and update this a bit more frequently, now that I'm not freaking out about school projects. XD

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