Thursday, August 26, 2010

You should know by now I have excuses...

Really and truly, I do.

Long story short, my car asploded. I couldn't fix it, so I bought a new one. Now the bank owns my car for the next 3 years. D:

As far as voice over goes, I've had a few things here and there, but nothing major. Mostly stuff online. I did get the opportunity to record some narration for an art film, which turned out to be really depressing. More info on that when it comes out. :)

Currently inches away from submitting my demo to a studio for the first time. We'll see how far this gets me, because I'm ready to be doing this stuff for real. So fingers crossed.

Clip to the right is a silly thing. Really. If you saw the last clip from Working! I was in, this is a follow-up. I really enjoy this character, even though he does get beat up QUITE a lot. Fun was had by all involved, so I hope you guys enjoy it. :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

July is over, but life goes on!

So, we are quickly approaching the end of the middle of the year. Or... is it the beginning of the end of the middle of the year? I can never keep up with these things.

Anyway, some news:

- My official OFFICIAL demo reel is currently under construction, but is coming along quite nicely. I hope to have it up and running so I can send it to companies in the area before the end of August. The sooner, the better. :)

- I have recently been approached to work with a prestigious blog known as Voice Actors in the News! I'll be providing some news, info, and stories about Anime voice actors and their involvement with the industry and fans. So keep an eye out for more information there. :)

- Took the Adventures in Voice Acting Intermediate Voice Acting Workshop for the second time this past weekend. It'd been 8 months since the people had last seen me, and I think I brought the heat in this long-overdue session. Made some new contacts, and hopefully I'll have some big news for you guys in the near future.

And that's my news! Still looking for auditions in the LA/Burbank area, so if you guys hear about anything and want to pass along the information, I will love you forever and promise to buy you a plushie or stuffed animal when I'm rich and famous!

Enjoy the new Animation Voice-Over Reel to the right! I know I did. ^_^

P.S.: Those waiting for plushies and/or stuffed animals may end up disappointed because the likelihood of my being rich and famous is less than the likelihood of a penguin being struck by a bolt of lightning while driving a Honda Civic through the Gobi Dessert. Just saying. XD

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Well, hello there, Blog. ^_^;

Okay. Okay okay okay. Sorry. Been busier than a kid in a candy store.

First things first: Haven't heard back from the WoW folks. Waiting is the hardest part of this job. But I'm sure that if they find a use for me, they'll call. Just have to be patient. :)

Second: Went to AX. Participated in AX Idol again (for the last time). Didn't make finals, but my good friend Eric won the whole shebang! I was so proud of him, and I can't wait for him to move down here where all the work is. :D I also helped out my friends by doing the live voiceover intro for their show The Indecent Otaku Comedy Show. That was a cool experience, but a little hectic.

If you want to see my AX Idol Monologue audition, you can! They're up on my Youtube in my Fandubs and Voice Work playlist. Here's a direct link, just for the lazy people: Mark AX Idol Monologue You can also see my work at one of the Adventures in Voice Acting panels live-dubbing a scene as Kyon from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. :) --> Mark as Kyon LIVE

Third: Workshops galore! Two with Crispin Freeman this past weekend and 1 at the Adventures in Voice Acting this Sunday. Going to be interesting.

Fourth: Working on a new demo. Great Awesome McPerson Person Julie Rei is going to help me write it, and she'll even direct me too! She's so awesome! :D And my buddy Geoff is going to mix it for me! Who would've ever guessed that the smarty-pants teacher's pet from Downey would have such insanely nice and awesome friends?

Fifth: New stuff galore! The best way to check what I'm up to is to check my Playlist on Youtube, like I said. A new chapter of the ongoing original Machinima Obscurity came out. I play Simon the cop in this one as well as two other special characters. See if you can spot my voice! :D

Another episode of Star Wars: Blue Harvest is out, featuring your's truly as the voice of Captain Bulo. Check it! -->Star Wars: Blue Harvest Episode XXX

Also, two new dub clips came out. One from the anime Angel Beats! where I play Hinata (the blue-haired idiot). See that one in my playlist. It's a quick couple of lines, but not a character I get to play very often. :)

The second clip is the one to the right, and it'ss something I'm proud of. It's a shame that Youtube killed the quality of the upload, but let me know what you guys think. I play the main character/guy. His glasses are cool. :D

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Auditions, AX, and a New clip!!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the overdue update. It was work, then my birthday, then Father's Day, so I took some time to deal with all of that.

Now to fill you all in, I had some AWESOME auditions on Monday! Don't know how much I should say, but I got the chance to audition for some new characters the folks at World of Warcraft are throwing at all you gamers out there! That's all I'm going to say about that. But it was fun, and the casting director seemed impressed by my performance and said she would throw some more auditions my way as soon as she gets them. In the meantime, I now have to play the waiting game and hope I hear from them.

As to Anime Expo, I am still definitely going, and I am absolutely prepared to show my stuff at the AX Idol Voice Acting competition. Unless, of course, Blizzard calls me and has me come in and record before then. If I get paid, I officially cannot participate in AX Idol. But I'm going to keep practicing and really honing it until I got it perfect. :)

Finally, I did something else! I play the red tulip (I think it's a tulip; I'm bad with flowers XD) in this clip from Sailor Stars! It's actually part of the whole episode, but I was just this extra. Hope you guys enjoy! :D

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Another New Clip!

This one is actually a bit old. I recorded for this probably back in October or November of last year, and the producer only just released this clip. I'm not too impressed by my performance, but given how long ago it was, I'll just chalk it up as a learning experience. Hope you enjoy! :D

Callbacks, Auditions, and Projects! (Oh my!!)

Been a bit busy again, but for good reason!

The truth is....

I was abducted by aliens.

No, really! Aliens of the auditioning kind! I got callbacks for an audition for a video game which happened yesterday. It was an awesome experience, and it will go down as my first official video game audition. More information about that when I can give it.

In the meantime, I continue to prepare for my final chance at the Voice Acting competition AX Idol at Anime Expo this year. This is going to be my final chance because after this, I'll be getting paid work. This is my chance to go out with a bang. It's my chance to announce to the world that I'm here, and that I'm ready to wow them. This'll be my 3rd time participating, and I've never made it to the finals. Even if I don't, if I do a good enough job for me, I will walk away happy.

That being said, it would be nice to make it to the finals. XD

Anywho, a few more projects should be coming out soon, so keep your eyes peeled for those. Other than that, I hope everyone is doing well. :D

Saturday, May 29, 2010

3 in 1 Week? What is this?!

I don't even.

Anywho, some more stuff has come out with me in it! I'm so excited! ^_^

First up is a brief little audio clip of me as a Shuttle Pilot, and my perspective on life when The Master controlled all of Earth from aboard the Valiant. If you don't know Doctor Who, you might not get this, but it still is a nice little blurb. Also, I got to speak in an English accent, AND it was done in support of the Haiti Relief efforts. :) CLICK ME

The second is the video you can now view to your right. It's the trailer for Chapter 3 of Obscurity! This project has been running for a long time, and it's been gaining some fans across the world, believe it or not. I play the crazy guy and Dan the Policeman. For now, enjoy this trailer, and I hope you'll all look forward to the full chapter when it's up at the end of June. :)

Other than that, I hope everyone is doing alright. I'm trying my best to get more and more of these blog posts in. Does it make any difference? XD

Happy Saturday! ^_^

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Look, a new vid!

Short and sweet, but still a bit fun. This was a little PSA I did for a Fairy Tail fandub. It's supposed to be the main character giving that little warning that always shows in text at the bottom of Japanese anime. I love this character, so any chance to work with him is jumped on! XD

Other than that, I don't have much to say right now. Keep happy, everyone! ^_^

Monday, May 24, 2010

Achievement Unlocked: Busiest Weekend Ever!

So, now that I've rested a bit, I can write about THE BUSIEST WEEKEND EVER!!!

Thursday really started my weekend. I was up til 12 midnight recording lines for projects with quickly-approaching deadlines, and still didn't end up recording all that I needed. I'll be recording the auditions that I missed today (which happens to also be the day of the deadline (lucky me right (just wanted more parenthesis =D)?)).

Friday morning, I was up at 7 because I was to accompany some very awesome friends on a road trip to San Francisco. Cristina was asked to go and sing at the premiere of the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (The Haruhi movie) up there, and we all figured that it'd be best if she didn't have to make the trip alone. It was a very awesome time. The movie was AMAZING, and I definitely plan to see it the next opportunity I get. We had an interesting experience at dinner, too. Not sure how much I should say, but I will say that Japanese men really love their Karaoke. XD

We got to bed at about 2:30 Saturday morning. Then it was up again at 7 to leave for home. 2 stops, 3 pancakes, and 6 hours later, we were back in the Greater Los Angeles area. But I couldn't go home yet. Made it to the Pendant Picnic, a gathering of various people involved with Pendant Productions ( Met up with them at about 3:30, even though it started at 10, and we got to hang out in Hollyweird for a bit.

After some food at In-N-Out, I had to leave for a party at a relatives house. Got to see some people I haven't in quite a long time, so that was very nice. After getting schooled at basketball by people easily half my height (MAN did I feel old), I headed home for a quick shower. Then I was back in Hollywood to attend a club. Internation DJ Lange was playing when I got there, and my acting-manager introduced me to some guys who want me to play at their restaurant/bar/place on the 11th of June. Which is a paying gig. FINALLY. So I'm happy about that.

Finally got to bed at 2:30 (again). But the weekend was not over. I was up again at 7, attended early morning mass (BLEH), and headed out to Santa Monica Pier for day 2 of the Pendant Picnic. This time, we all watched some of the children of people in the group play at Pacific Park on the pier. And then it got cold. Like... really REALLY cold. So they all went back to the CO of Pendant's house. I wanted to go with them, but my day was not so free.

I had to be at a planning meeting/DJ Practice with Infinite Voyage in Marina del Rey. But the meeting didn't turn out so badly! I FINALLY got to have a little B2B session with another DJ! DJ Beyond, one of the newest members of our little group, was willing to do it, so we played together, each DJ picking one track at a time, for about 45 minutes. It was neat, because we have pretty much the same taste in music. :D

And then, THEN I got to go home. Made it by 8:50, and went straight to bed. For the first time in over 3 years, I went to bed before 11 PM. In fact, I was knocked out by 9:30. Slept for a whole 12 hours, too! :D

So, the only new thing I have to show off right now is the finished product of my final for Audio Production, which can be found HERE. Hope you enjoy it.

In the next few weeks, some more projects should be coming out. And I'm also waiting to hear back from a very high-profile video game that I can't speak about. But yeah, fingers crossed, and with some luck, we'll get some good news soon. Hope everyone is doing well! ^_^

Friday, May 14, 2010


So, yeah. Hi guys.

Sorry I've been so behind on this. School has picked up, family stuff happened, and big things have happened.

So let's talk about the big stuff. I was asked to go to a read through at Fox Studios 2 weeks ago. It was for a new show idea that I can't say much about, but it was quite the experience. Don't know if I've been accepted into the production yet or not, but I eagerly await to hear back from the director. It's an interesting story, though. I met Cristina Vee through a mutual friend. Then, I she introduced me to a few other VO people (whom I know have the pleasure of calling friends), who introduced me to more, who passed my contact information to the director who sent me a Facebook message. So whoever came up with the idea of "6 Degrees of Separation" wasn't lying; I've experienced it first hand.

Most of my time lately has been spent working on a radio play that I had to turn in for my final for Intro to Audio Production. As of now, I never want to touch Pro Tools again. I have a great respect for the engineers now, which is exactly why I took this class. Needless to say, the final product will be up online later on, so check my Facebook for more info on that.

I've been actively looking for more auditions, and have submitted a few things, but nothing has come back yet. It's definitely time to update my demo reel. That is what I'll be focusing on over the Summer. In the meantime, if anyone sees something coming up, it would be awesome if you'd either pass on word to me, or mention me. Without an agent, I'm finding it hard to find stuff. But I'm not giving up any time soon. :)

Hearing Voices has officially ended for this semester. If you missed any episodes, head to to check them out. We return next semester with more awesome guests and a possible co-host! And keep an eye out for the upcoming Youtube and Facebook pages. :)

Other than that, I hope you're all doing well! I'm going to try and update this a bit more frequently, now that I'm not freaking out about school projects. XD

Friday, April 16, 2010

Curse you, passage of time!!


I feel like I've failed with this blog. When it's going on 5 weeks and I haven't updated, I know there's a proble,

Life has been beyond hectic, with both VO stuff and DJ stuff picking up some steam. The radio show's been going well, and I've got Christopher Smith as my guest this coming Monday.

Been taking a few more workshops here and there, and just yesterday I recorded some PSAs for Titan Radio, the on-campus radio station at California State University, Fullerton. That was cool. I'll see if I can upload a few of them here so you guys can have a listen.

Some news about the game I was in: the production has been slowed a little bit because the art team went on to bigger and better things, but the director has assured me that they are looking for new artists to finish up the project. I'll definitely update everyone when I have more information.

On the DJ side of things, I have a gig this Saturday at the Woo Lae Oak Korean BBQ Restaurant in Beverly Hills. If you're interested, check out the event on Facebook by clicking this link here: There's another chance to catch me at RISE in Hollywood on the 30th. More information about the event will be available later on.

This weekend, I'm headed to the Anaheim Comic-con. Looking forward to it, even if I'm acting as Press. Phil Lamarr and Maurice LaMarche will be in attendance, so I'm hoping to talk to them and look into getting them on the show for one of the few remaining weeks this semester. That would be cool. ^_^

Since the last update, my character in Genesis Avalon has reached an untimely end. Check out the whole story at

Also, my character has finally made his debut in the Star Wars: Blue Harvest radio play. It's brief in this episode, but his involvement does get a bit stronger in upcoming episodes. You'll definitely want to give this series a listen. Head to for listening pleasure. My first appearance is in episode XXVII (27, for the Roman-Numeral-Impaired).

Finally, the clip to the right is something I'm quite proud of. I recorded for this fandub back at the end of January, and it's finally come out! The producer did a great job mixing this together, and the cast does an awesome job as well! A lot of guys in this one, so to clarify: I play Bishop, the long-haired man in priest-garb wearing sunglasses. Let me know what you think! I had a lot of fun playing the character, and I'm very happy with what came out as a result. WARNING: THERE ARE SOME ISSUES OF LANGUAGE AND BLOOD IN THIS CLIP. VIEWER DISCRETION IS SUGGESTED.

Still working hard to get this career off the runway. Doing my best, so I hope you all can give me your support. :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I let time slip by again, didn't I?

Wel, in voice news, I've fallen into a tiny bit of a funk. But I hope to pick back up soon.

Main issue? I cut my chin. I'm alright, but I'm going to have a bit of a scar for a long time, I'm sure.

Anywho, sorry about how short this is. I've been really busy but I promise to try and spend some more time here. :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Too much good stuff...

So, Crispin's workshop was awesome. Figured out some more interesting things about my acting biases and other similar things. Not much to say about that other than it was an awesome learning experience that I'll probably be repeating some time.

Monday I found out that I was cast in two plays at Cal State Fullerton. This is very exciting news for me, and I'm really looking forward to working with the 2 directors for "Momma's Boy" and "Playthings." Keep eyes open for more info on that in the future.

The big news today? I'm freaking out. Why am I freaking out? Because I just bought myself a 17" MacBook Pro. Yes, this is at once a career move and an educational one. I needed a new computer, and a lot of things are moving in the Mac direction. Especially since my audio production class is using ProTools LE. It's more convenient for me if I can use my own computer to organize everything.

But, that doesn't mean I can't still cry. Bye bye money!

Clip to the right is a new one. I play the creepy guy, Izaya. :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

18 Days Later...

No, it's not the title of the next big zombie/infected movie. That's just how long I've been so busy that I've been unable to update.

So, short and sweet: the lesson went AMAZINGLY. I really appreciate all that my exceptional coach worked with me through. I learned a lot about myself as an actor and how I think subconsciously when I act, so I will be working on that. Next time I see this person I will be asking them if they feel I'm ready to shell out the $1.2k to make my professional demo.

Last week was hectic for me. I tried out for Cal State Fullerton's One Acts and 10-minute Plays, and I ended up garnishing 11 callbacks. 10 of those were last week, and one is today. I also find out the results from last weeks callbacks today, so fingers crossed for that one.

Also last week, I was sort-of-officially cast in a visual novel. It is a fan-made VN that explores the life of Alan when he is transferred to an alternate dimension. Namely, the world of Haruhi Suzumiya. And ironically, the game is titled Worlds of Haruhi Suzumiya. You can find out more information at Your's truly will be playing the role of Itsuki Koizumi, so keep an ear out. ^_^

Clip to the right is the second of the Fairy Tail clips I've been involved with. I play the pink-haired Natsu, as well as some of the background characters. See if you can spot my voice! XD

This weekend I will be attending Crispin Freeman's Character Archetype class. This will hopefully help me with expanding and discovering the full range of characters I have under my belt.

Speaking of Crispin, tune in to Hearing Voices on Monday at 4:30 PM PST to catch my interview with him! He'll be joining me via Skype, and I've got quite the interview planned. Check it out at!

And that's all for now! Hope you are all doing well. :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Big Announcements!

I actually have time to leave an update.

School started back up this week with a flourish. All kinds of interesting professors this semester, so that should turn out well.

Been playing a bit of Assassin's Creed II at my friend Elena's. As a result, my Italian accent is improving in leaps and bounds. Another result has been the return of my interest in free running. This is at once both awesome and troublesome, but I'll do my best to make sure I don't kill myself. ^_^;

More projects have been recorded for and should be coming out in the near future. I'm really excited for a few of them, but I'll give more details about those when they come out.

My new radio show starts tomorrow over at on Mondays at 4:30 PM PST. The show is called "Hearing Voices" and will be comprised of interviews with several voice actors throughout the field, bringing awareness of this occupation to people who may not know much about it. Tune in and show your favorite VAs your support! ^_^

Also, my first ever private voice lesson is this Wednesday. I can't say who with, but this person is going to help me further my voice acting ability, so I'm really excited about it. There will DEFINITELY be a blog entry about that after the event.

And that's it for now. Hope everyone is faring well! :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Eh heh heh heh...

Lines for the game were finished and sent off. Apparently the production guys liked what they heard, so now I just sit and wait to see if there's anything that needs to be picked up. If not, hopefully I can officially talk about it in a month or so. :)

Recording for a couple other projects this week, including something that sort of indirectly supports Haiti relief. Which makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. XD

Also, assuming time schedules all line up, I should be starting lessons with my awesome and SUPER SECRET voice coach/teacher next Wednesday. More on how that goes later in the week when I know for sure. And don't ask who it is. All I'll say is he's been doing this stuff for 20 years, and is quite possibly one of the most popular video game and Anime voice actors in the industry, so I feel truly blessed that he would agree to train me up. ^_^

Also also, stuff in the works for a radio show with the school involving voice acting and voice over in general. I have a few guest interviews planned out, so hopefully the radio station will give it the okay, and all will be well. :)

Hope everyone out there is having a safe and enjoyable Winter! If you were caught in the rain/snow that seems to be plaguing half the country right now, do your best to stay warm and dry!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So, I got cast in this game...

And awesome as that is, I can't talk about it. Which sucks. But what I can say is that it's an indie game, and the story is pretty epic. When I can share more details, I definitely will. :)

Video to the right would be the latest part of Obscurity. If you haven't yet, head to to catch up. In this clip, I play the thief, the cop, and the dad in the dream. :)

My brother is moving back into the house this week, which is going to make life more stressful. Especially considering the fact that I've got to finish all my lines for this game by Friday, and I can only be in the studio so much. But we'll see what happens with that. Also, if anyone in the general LA area is looking for a room mate who can get away with paying $500 a month or less, that'd be swell.

Hung out with Jason on Friday at his place and watched Laputa: Castle in the Sky for the first time. We were trying REALLY hard not to make fun of the scripting and dubbing, but of course that didn't work out so well. Still, it was an enjoyable movie. Probably not Miyazaki's best, but still worth the watch.

Sunday I got to see Sherlock Holmes finally. It was every bit as epic as I thought it would be. I mean, it was no Avatar, but it was very enjoyable. Especially the way that (SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILER). That was my favorite part. XD

Hope life is treating everyone well. ^_^

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ALA 2010 and Stoof

So, I'm still alive. Uploading pictures and stuff from ALA 2010 to my facebook right now.

Met some new folks at ALA and got to spend a lot of time talking with established talent about everything and everything. For all the stress that went into the weekend, I had a lot of fun. Made some new friends that I hope I get to see around more frequently, and they're all really awesome people.

I have some lines to get done tonight or tomorrow, and I'm most likely going to cancel tonight's radio show so I can do that as well as get the bomb shelter that is my room cleaned up.

Sorry for the lack of news, but the holidays have been slow. And since I've cut out the fandubbing, things have slowed down a lot. So now I need to get out and start actively looking for more work. >_<

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Holidays and ALA!!!

Sorry! Holidays claimed me!

Bit of a sad Christmas, but I got some awesomely memorable gifts. My sister let me be as light as a cloud. :)

A couple of my friends got married on New Years Eve. I got to be a witness. So now, I can actually say that my signature is worth something. :D

Other than that, like I said I would, I have now ceased doing fandubs of anything that has an English license. So, the clip to the right is the "Official Goodbye Clip." I mean no disrespect to Kyle, Yuri, Steve, or anyone else in the original clip. Symbolically, this was the best way for me to move on. Also, some great bloopers at the end, so watch those! Btw, I'm Kamina.

And this weekend is ALA! Come support your favorite anime series and voice actors! And check out the live Anime Olympics panel at 1PM on Friday! Later that day, check out the wonderful Ms. Cristina Vee's concert at 6PM!

And if you see me, say hello. :)