Sunday, January 31, 2010

Big Announcements!

I actually have time to leave an update.

School started back up this week with a flourish. All kinds of interesting professors this semester, so that should turn out well.

Been playing a bit of Assassin's Creed II at my friend Elena's. As a result, my Italian accent is improving in leaps and bounds. Another result has been the return of my interest in free running. This is at once both awesome and troublesome, but I'll do my best to make sure I don't kill myself. ^_^;

More projects have been recorded for and should be coming out in the near future. I'm really excited for a few of them, but I'll give more details about those when they come out.

My new radio show starts tomorrow over at on Mondays at 4:30 PM PST. The show is called "Hearing Voices" and will be comprised of interviews with several voice actors throughout the field, bringing awareness of this occupation to people who may not know much about it. Tune in and show your favorite VAs your support! ^_^

Also, my first ever private voice lesson is this Wednesday. I can't say who with, but this person is going to help me further my voice acting ability, so I'm really excited about it. There will DEFINITELY be a blog entry about that after the event.

And that's it for now. Hope everyone is faring well! :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Eh heh heh heh...

Lines for the game were finished and sent off. Apparently the production guys liked what they heard, so now I just sit and wait to see if there's anything that needs to be picked up. If not, hopefully I can officially talk about it in a month or so. :)

Recording for a couple other projects this week, including something that sort of indirectly supports Haiti relief. Which makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. XD

Also, assuming time schedules all line up, I should be starting lessons with my awesome and SUPER SECRET voice coach/teacher next Wednesday. More on how that goes later in the week when I know for sure. And don't ask who it is. All I'll say is he's been doing this stuff for 20 years, and is quite possibly one of the most popular video game and Anime voice actors in the industry, so I feel truly blessed that he would agree to train me up. ^_^

Also also, stuff in the works for a radio show with the school involving voice acting and voice over in general. I have a few guest interviews planned out, so hopefully the radio station will give it the okay, and all will be well. :)

Hope everyone out there is having a safe and enjoyable Winter! If you were caught in the rain/snow that seems to be plaguing half the country right now, do your best to stay warm and dry!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So, I got cast in this game...

And awesome as that is, I can't talk about it. Which sucks. But what I can say is that it's an indie game, and the story is pretty epic. When I can share more details, I definitely will. :)

Video to the right would be the latest part of Obscurity. If you haven't yet, head to to catch up. In this clip, I play the thief, the cop, and the dad in the dream. :)

My brother is moving back into the house this week, which is going to make life more stressful. Especially considering the fact that I've got to finish all my lines for this game by Friday, and I can only be in the studio so much. But we'll see what happens with that. Also, if anyone in the general LA area is looking for a room mate who can get away with paying $500 a month or less, that'd be swell.

Hung out with Jason on Friday at his place and watched Laputa: Castle in the Sky for the first time. We were trying REALLY hard not to make fun of the scripting and dubbing, but of course that didn't work out so well. Still, it was an enjoyable movie. Probably not Miyazaki's best, but still worth the watch.

Sunday I got to see Sherlock Holmes finally. It was every bit as epic as I thought it would be. I mean, it was no Avatar, but it was very enjoyable. Especially the way that (SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILER). That was my favorite part. XD

Hope life is treating everyone well. ^_^

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ALA 2010 and Stoof

So, I'm still alive. Uploading pictures and stuff from ALA 2010 to my facebook right now.

Met some new folks at ALA and got to spend a lot of time talking with established talent about everything and everything. For all the stress that went into the weekend, I had a lot of fun. Made some new friends that I hope I get to see around more frequently, and they're all really awesome people.

I have some lines to get done tonight or tomorrow, and I'm most likely going to cancel tonight's radio show so I can do that as well as get the bomb shelter that is my room cleaned up.

Sorry for the lack of news, but the holidays have been slow. And since I've cut out the fandubbing, things have slowed down a lot. So now I need to get out and start actively looking for more work. >_<

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Holidays and ALA!!!

Sorry! Holidays claimed me!

Bit of a sad Christmas, but I got some awesomely memorable gifts. My sister let me be as light as a cloud. :)

A couple of my friends got married on New Years Eve. I got to be a witness. So now, I can actually say that my signature is worth something. :D

Other than that, like I said I would, I have now ceased doing fandubs of anything that has an English license. So, the clip to the right is the "Official Goodbye Clip." I mean no disrespect to Kyle, Yuri, Steve, or anyone else in the original clip. Symbolically, this was the best way for me to move on. Also, some great bloopers at the end, so watch those! Btw, I'm Kamina.

And this weekend is ALA! Come support your favorite anime series and voice actors! And check out the live Anime Olympics panel at 1PM on Friday! Later that day, check out the wonderful Ms. Cristina Vee's concert at 6PM!

And if you see me, say hello. :)